• Join the Wholehearted Journey

    We all have different experiences, backgrounds, gifts and talents. We have all been created to know Him and be known by Him and to be conformed into His image. There is no greater call. There is no greater purpose. Join me on this faith journey and let’s choose to love Him wholeheartedly.

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    "For whoever enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter to that rest, so that no one will fall by following the same pattern of disobedience." Heb. 4:10-11

  • The Blog

    I welcome you into my 'journal' which really is the journey of a Jesus-lover. They may be entries from my youth or current, but the common theme is a heart that has wholly desired one thing- to live life in a way that makes Him smile and one day, say 'Well done, good and faithful servant....Come share your Master's happiness.' (Matt 25:23).

    From my journal 7/7/2020 "What if the person I (Jesus) want you to be is not who you want to be?" What if you have desired and striven to be a version of yourself that I have not ordained? - organized - put together/ polished - checklist person - efficient - successful -intentional I have...
    A note just for you.... While I sat down to do some work this morning, I quickly asked the Lord what was on his heart and immediately I felt Him say 'those who believe they are the 'black sheep', the 'hopeless cases''. So, I am putting ‘pen to paper’ from his heart to yours…. Before the...
    Praise! We hear Him more than we realize. We can tune into Him and flow with Him to see His kingdom advance on this earth by small acts of obedience done in love. There are so many people, now more than ever with 'Social DIstancing' that feel alone, helpless, faceless, voiceless and fearful....
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    Personal Prayer Ministry

    Have you had the opportunity to be prayed over?

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    Facebook Group: Praying Princesses/ Slayers

    As a daughter of the King, you have rights and privileges. You have ACCESS to the throne room and just like Esther of old went before the King and found FAVOR that saved an entire generation, YOU have access to the THRONE ROOM and, as you partner with Holy Spirit, you speak things that were not into existence. We were made in the image of our creator and HE created by His words-- likewise our WORDS CARRY WEIGHT and His word says that our prayers are powerful and effective for pulling down strongholds. So, if you are serious about seeing strongholds come tumbling down and seeing HIS Kingdom come and HIS WILL be done, please submit ....to join.

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    Culpeper, VA 22701

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    Tel: 51680-4561

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    Facebook.com/wholehearted obedience

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    twitter: @wholeheartedobedience

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    Pinterest: @evygrace4u

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