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What if who you Want to be is not...

who you were CREATED to BE?

From my journal 7/7/2020

"What if the person I (Jesus) want you to be is not who you want to be?"

What if you have desired and striven to be a version of yourself that I have not ordained?

- organized

- put together/ polished

- checklist person

- efficient

- successful


I have enough of those and not enough of these:

- free

- joyful



-spirit led





- truth bringer

- wisdom- bringer



You are so busy trying to be something you are not and failing to see the beauty of who you are.


Your performance doesn't impress me- your HEART does.

If I cared about performance I would have been satisfied with the pharisees and all their 'right' actions and outward successes. But I wasn't, I saw through their charade and positioned myself at the temple treasury watching to see those who worship me in Spirit and in Truth. Looking for those who lay it all down, who don't give out of the overflow, but who bankrupt themselves for my pleasure.

broken image

Dear Jesus, Help me walk in the good works you created specifically for me to do (knowing exactly how you wired and gifted me). Let me not look to the right or to the left, but lock eyes with you and use all I am and all I have been given to love you and others well.